The Community Ramp Project Update and… The Triple Stepper!!

It has been a busy spring time coordinating community ramp projects in Toronto, across the province and beyond. We’ve had so much fun working with some amazing people and helping them take on their own ramp projects in Stratford, Guelph, Port Hope, Mimico, Seaforth, Markham and Aurora here in Ontario as well as Halifax out on the East Coast! Here in Toronto we are preparing for two massive ramp projects along the Danforth and in the Annex. Our fantastic group of volunteers have been approaching businesses along the Danforth over the past couple of months and so far we have over 20 businesses interested in participating. Greening Homes helped us with ramp construction for our incredibly successful Roncesvalles ramp project and they have graciously offered to help us out again for the Danforth project which is slated to happen July 19th and 20th. The Toronto Tool Library has offered up the use of some of their space in order to have a comfortable spot to build the ramps, Learners LLP has helped us out with a donation to offset material costs and Danforth Lumber is going to cut us a sweet sweet deal on building materials! It’s all coming together!

Over the winter we had the pleasure of working with an incredible group of Inclusive Design students from OCAD University. With ramp construction help and material donations from Dixon Hall’s Mill Centre they took on a ramp project along College Street here in Toronto! Word has it that the ramps are nearing completion and will soon be delivered towards the end of the month! Stay tuned for updates!

About a year ago we were approached by owner Julian Katz of Stasis Preserves ( on Roncesvalles to see if there would be a way of making a ramp for their three-step storefront. We took some measurements, spent some time at the drawing board and Matthew Saunders from Cocobolo Carpentry ( did a beautiful job putting together our very first modular ramp designed to accommodate three steps! Thank you Julian for the opportunity to work with you on this exciting project and welcome to our ever-growing list of supporters!

1 Comment

  • By Veronika Lukacs

    Wow! That looks amazing!

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