2011 Golf Tournament


My Dad and his close buddies have been organizing a golf tournament every May to raise funds for myself and my family. The money that we’ve raised in past tournaments has been unbelievably helpful. Renovations at the family cottage to make it more accessible, the purchase of my adapted van and barrier free renovations to my apartment were made possible through funds raised by the tournament.

It’s hard to believe but this year will be the 9th tournament and so much has transpired in my life since the tournament’s inception. Most notably, I now consider myself very fortunate to be working full time with great people working on amazing projects – there was a time when I only dreamed of the life I lead these days. For this reason I’m excited to announce that part of the funds raised this year will be going towards StopGap, an initiative with a goal to raise awareness about barrier free access and our built environment. Through community out-reach, collaboration with academic institutions and industry professionals StopGap will highlight the need for inclusive design that is considerate of all levels of mobility. Our first event will focus on finding smart solutions to the typical storefront with a step!

The tournament will take place on Thursday May 26th at Sleepy Hollow Golf Course in Stouffville. Your participation can come in many different forms including hole sponsorship, silent auction donations or actually swinging your clubs! If you aren’t interested in golfing we invite you to the clubhouse after the tournament for cocktails, dinner, awards and a fantastic StopGap presentation. Past tournaments have attracted upwards of 150 participants and each year has proven to be roaringly successful.

Be in touch with Michael Hopkins (mphopkins@gmail.com) or myself (lukewanders@gmail.com) and we will send you the forms for your chance to be involved in helping make all of our lives easier through raising awareness and finding solutions to barriers in our built environment.



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