Is Your StopGap Ramp Worn Out? Check Out Our Repainting And Replacement Program!

Over the summer, we have been continuing our awareness-raising work and helping to create barrier-free spaces with each new ramp we deliver. In addition to building new ramps, we’ve partnered with our friends at The Daniels Corporation and launched a Ramp Repainting and Replacement Program for GTA ramp owners. Thanks to Daniels’ support, we’ve got a limited number of spots for ramp owners to either get their ramp repainted at no cost or get a $100 discount on a ramp replacement.

As our name suggests, StopGap ramps aren’t intended to be a permanent solution. Frequency of use and treatment will affect a ramp’s service life. You’ve probably seen a ramp or two that look like the one pictured below. Maybe the plywood top of the ramp is delaminating or perhaps the wood is significantly chipped or splintered. Sometimes ramps might even end up in front of steps they weren’t designed for.

A red StopGap ramp in front of a step. The red paint is slightly worn out around the edges and you can see some of the plywood surface showing through.

Do you have a connection with a business owner in your GTA neighbourhood whose ramp could benefit from a tune up or a replacement? 

There are a number of ways you can help with varying degrees of involvement:

1. Let the business owner know about our Repainting and Replacement Program and have them send a picture of their ramp to We’ll take care of things from there.

2. Same as #1 plus YOU will be a bigger part of the magic! You’ll help by picking the ramp up and delivering it to us at 49 Cameron St at a convenient time that works for everyone involved. Just ask the business owner to copy you in their email to us.

3. Same as #1 and 2 AND you’ll help paint the ramp! Please note that ramp painting takes place on weekdays, during the daytime.

Along with news about our Ramp Repainting and Replacement Program, we thought we would share some helpful information on how to keep StopGap ramps in tip-top shape with a refresher on their safe handling, storage, and usage.

Thanks, as always, for your support of our work!

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