Our apologies for not posting any news for a little while, we have been busy creating relationships with some fantastic people and organizations. Let us explain just some of the fantastic things that have been going on.
We are very excited to soon be working with Toronto’s Dixon Hall and their Mill Centre training program for at-risk youth. The Mill Centre (http://www.themillcentre.com/) will be adopting our ramps as a way to teach woodworking skills! This will mean that the communities interested in adopting their own Community Ramp Project can now choose to have the often complicated fabrication element of the project taken care of by the students at The Mill Centre. This option will greatly simplify the implementation of a Community Ramp Project and allow the initiative to reach even further. Stay tuned for information about a big fundraiser being organized by Dixon Hall towards the end of this coming May to benefit its Mill Centre training program.
We are actively working on our charitable status application. Anna Flisfeder and fellow lawyers at Osler Hoskin and Harcourt have generously agreed to take on our application on a pro bono basis. We are super excited at the opportunities that a charitable status might introduce us to, we’ve got our fingers crossed for a positive outcome!
Help us welcome Carlo Cassano. Carlo is an incredibly experienced builder with a genuine interest in removing barriers in our built environment. Carlo will be taking care of our Ramps on Request as an independent contractor and has already helped us improve our ramp design by introducing an adjustable base to accommodate typical uneven surfaces. Carlo’s attention to detail and insight will allow us to expand our capacity to take on more than just single stepped storefronts. Stay tuned for news on the development of our modular ramp that will service a three-stepped storefront. We are very proud to have Carlo on our team!
We are partnering with the Rick Hansen Institute and their Planat program (http://www.planat.com/)! Planat allows users to submit information regarding accessibility about venues throughout the world. This is an incredible resource for anyone interested in knowing details about a restaurant, a retail store, a concert venue or any other type of building where access could be an issue. StopGap will be featured on the website and be listed as a resource for those interested in our Community Projects Program, Ramps on Request or School Presentations. Check out the site, it’s really really fantastic.
We’ve got a very busy spring ahead of us and urge you to keep checking back on updates relating to all of these items and more!