Junction Ramp Project
Now everyone can access and enjoy these great Junction neighbourhood businesses. Click on the addresses to visit our Stop Gap Map:
Agora Cafe
3015 Dundas Street West, Toronto
2862a Dundas Street West, Toronto
Sanction Skate and Snow
2978 Dundas Street West, Toronto
Picture it Framed
2923 Dundas Street West, Toronto
2919 Dundas Street West, Toronto
Kid Culture
2986 Dundas Street West, Toronto
Junction Eatery
2790 Dundas Street West
Joe’s Hairstylists
2785 Dundas Street W
Hula Girl Espresso
2473 Dundas Street W
Cool Hand of a Girl
2804 Dundas Street West, Toronto
Elephant Shoes
1342 Bloor Street West
Simply Crafted
2471 Dundas Street West
Wise Daughters Craft Market
3079B Dundas Street West
Materials and some volunteer labour for this project were generously provided by The Home Depot.