KITE Research Study: Have your say in designing accessible public spaces!

The team at KITE Research Institute, located at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, is conducting a study in an effort to make public spaces more accessible for people who use mobility aids. They are interested in understanding how spaces are used by people who use mobility aids. Some examples of mobility devices include wheelchairs or power scooters, handheld devices like canes, walkers, or crutches, and service dogs and sighted guides.

To be eligible for this study you must be:

  • At least 18 years old
  • Live in Canada
  • Use a mobility aid (such as a wheelchair, scooter, or walker) or support person (such as sighted guides, personal support workers, and service animals) regularly

As a participant, you will be asked to attend a single session (~3 hours) with your mobility aid to complete a series of functional tasks (i.e. reaches and maneuvers) and questionnaires. You will have several measurements of their body and mobility device taken as they sit or stand, and move through spaces such as doorways, corridors, elevators and counters. You will be asked to share your experiences encountering these types of spaces in your daily life using questionnaires. This information will be used to support policy development and create design guidelines to make public spaces more accessible for all Canadians.

The study visit will take place at one of the following locations:

  • Toronto Rehab – University Centre (550 University Ave)
  • Toronto Rehab – Lyndhurst Centre (520 Sutherland Dr)

Participants (and their support person, if applicable) will receive an honorarium to compensate for their time and travel costs.

For more information, contact or 416-597-3422 x7878.


Poster for KITE Research study. Text reads: “Research Study: Have your say in designing accessible public spaces! We are looking for people who use mobility aids to participate in a research study. We want to learn how dimensions of the spaces you use can be improved to make public spaces more accessible to navigate. Eligible participants will: use their mobility aid to perform maneuvers and reach tasks, complete a series of questionnaires, receive an honorarium to compensate for their time and travel. Participants must: be at least 18 years old, live in Canada, regularly use a mobility aid during daily functional activities. For more info, contact []( or (416) 597-3422 ext. 7878. Please do not share personal information in response to this post.”

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