The longer we wait, the more opportunity we miss out on!

I pulled this priceless little gem from a research paper I read today published in part by The Martin Prosperity Institute (MPI). “MPI is the world’s leading think-tank on the role of sub-national factors—location, place and city-regions – in global economic prosperity. It takes an integrated view of prosperity, looking beyond economic measures to include the importance of quality of place and the development of people’s creative potential. A leading think tank in global economic prosperity.”
“We do not have the capacity to evaluate the potential impact of specific policy initiatives or to recommend particular elements be included in the standards. What we have learned, however, leads us to conclude that every day that people who want to learn cannot, people who want to work do not, and businesses that wish to serve these markets must wait to see what will be required, Ontario is losing extremely valuable contributions from its citizens. Releasing the constraints that limit full participation in the economy will create a significant force for economic growth.”
To me this means that we’ve got to start coming up with solutions to the physical barriers that prevent many people from fully participating in society. The longer we wait, the more opportunity we miss out on.
The following is a link to a summary of this valuable report:

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